Embrace the change with NEP 2020 highlights

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Let’s dive deep into NEP 2020 Highlights. NEP 2020 National Education Policy was published by the Ministry of Human Resource Development and can be accessed at https://www.education.gov.in. It consists of four parts: 

NEP 2020 Highlights: Parts
Part-INEP 2020 Highlights: Parts
Part-IIHigher education
Part-IIIOther key areas
Part-IVMaking it happen: Implementation
NEP 2020 Highlights

Our Education system is not going to be the same again, It is going through a sea change.

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century and aims to address many growing developmental imperatives of our country. The last NPE-1986 was published in 1986 and was subsequently modified in 1992. To make educational reform, a committee was set up in June 2017 under the chairmanship of Dr. K. Kasturirangan. The committee handed over the draft of its new NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY 2019 to MHRD and the Union Cabinet approved the proposal on 29th July 2020.

Things to remember in NEP 2020 Highlights :

NEP 2020 Highlights
Name of the policyNational Educational Policy (NEP) 2020
Organized ByMinistry of Education
ChairmanDr. k. kasturirangan
Launch Date29th July 2020
No. Of Editions[3] (1st – 1968) / (2nd – 1986) / (3rd – 2020)
Major AmendmentReplacement of 10+2 structure by 5+3+3+4
Four Pillars of PolicyAccess, Equity, Quality & Accountability
NEP 2020 Highlights

Vision :

Vision in NEP 2020 Highlights

NEP 2020 Highlights: Important changes

  • HRD was renamed as “Ministry Of Education”.
  • The government proposed increasing GDP investment in education from 1.6% to 6%.
  • Focus on “GROSS ENROLLMENT RATIO” is to be increased up to 50% by 2035 in Higher education and 100% in preschool to secondary level by 2030.

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Main Features and Principles of NEP 2020 Highlights

The main Features in NEP 2020 Highlights

Features of NEP 2020 Highlights
  1. New 5+3+3+4 school curriculum with 12 years of schooling and 3 years of Anganwadi/preschool.
  2. Emphasis on Foundational literacy and numeracy up to grade 3.
  3. No rigid separation between academic streams.
  4. Vocational Education to start from class 6 with Internships.
  5. Teaching up to at least grade 5 to be in mother tongue/regional language.
  6. Assessment reforms with 360-degree Holistic Progress card.
  7. Multiple Entry/Exit to be allowed with appropriate certification.
  8. NEP 2020 allows all the students of classes 10th and 12th to take board exams twice a year.
  9. An Academic Bank of credits is to be established to facilitate the Transfer of credits.

Fundamental Principles in NEP 2020 Highlights

NEP 2020 Highlights: Principles
Good education system• Improve transparency and quality in educational curriculum as well as reduce curriculum content.
• Nurture child potential with ethical mooring & values.
• Flexible learning opportunity.
• Multilingualism & the power of language.
• High-quality bilingual textbook.
• Include Sanskrit & Indian sign language.
Good education institution• Safe and Stimulating Learning Environment.
• Good infrastructure & appropriate resources.
• wide range of learning experiences (ART & SPORTS integration).
Teamwork between the Education system and institutions• Inculcate Life Skills.
• ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) and FLN (Fluency Literacy and Numeracy).
• Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat initiative.
• NCFSE (National curriculum framework for school education).
• Progress card redesigned by state/UT under guidance from NATIONAL ASSESSMENT CENTRE, NCERT & SCERTs.
• Regulatory framework and continuous review.
NEP 2020 Highlights

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NEP 2020 structure 5+3+3+4

NEP 2020 Highlights: Structure
Foundational Stage• 3 years
• 2 years
• Age: 3 – 6
• Age: 6 – 8
• Anganwadi / PreSchool / BalVatika
• Class: 1 to 2
Preparatory Stage3 yearsAge: 8 – 11Class: 3 to 5
Middle Stage3 yearsAge: 11 – 14Class: 6 to 8
Secondary Stage4 yearsAge: 14 – 18Class: 9 to 12
NEP 2020 Highlights

NEP 2020 Highlights: School Education in NEP 2020

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nep 2020 for children
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Ensuring universal access at all levels of school education: Facilitating multiple pathways of learning involving both formal and informal education modes, open learning for classes 3, 5, and 8 through NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) and State Open Schools.

Early childhood care & education with new curricular and pedagogical structure:10+2 structure changed into 5+3+3+4, the new system will have 12 years of schooling with 3 years of Anganwadi/Balvatika (in and around the radius of 5 to 10 km) and NCERT will develop National curricular & pedagogical framework for ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) for children upto the age of 8, Implementation of ECCE carried out by MHRD, WCD (Women and Child Development), HFW (Health and Family welfare) and Tribal Affairs.

Attaining Foundation Literacy and Numeracy under NEP 2020: Basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics up to class 3 by 2026/2027.

Reforms in school curricula and pedagogy: Flexibility & choice of the subject given to students as well as reduction in curriculum to core concepts.

Online and digital education: Students to learn computer coding from class 6.

Multilingualism and The power of language: Mother tongue/regional language as a medium of instruction till 5th grade.

Equitable and Inclusive education: Learning for all.

Efficient governance through school complexes/clusters: SMC (School management committee), SDP(school development plan).

Assessment reform: National Assessment Center (NAC), State School Standards Authority (SSSA), and PARAKH (Performance Assessment, review, and Analysis of Knowledge for holistic development) will be set up for quality education.

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NEP 2020 Highlights: Higher Education in NEP 2020

What is there in NEP 2020 for college-going students?

NEP 2020 Highlights: Higher Education in NEP 2020

  • Improve the quality of education in universities and colleges.
  • Establishment of the National Research Foundation (NRF) to fund outstanding peer-reviewed research and actively seed research in universities and colleges.
  • Governance of HEIs(Higher Education Commission of India) by highly qualified independent boards having academic and administrative autonomy. It is a single umbrella body for the entire Higher Education.
    It includes four verticles:
    • National Higher Education Regulatory Council(NHERC) » Regulation.
    • General Education Council(GEC) » Standard setting.
    • Higher Education Grants Council(HEGC) » Funding.
    • National Accreditation Council(NAC) » Accreditation.
  • “Light but tight” regulation by a single regulator for higher education.
  • A stage-wise mechanism for granting graded autonomy to colleges, through a transparent system of graded accreditation, will be established.
  • More HEIs shall be established and developed in underserved regions to ensure full access, equity, and inclusion.
  • Multidisciplinary education and Research Universities (MERU) will be set up.
  • The undergraduate degree will be of 4-year duration, M.Phil. program to be discontinued.
  • The minimum degree for teaching will be 4 year integrated B.ed degree course, New national curriculum framework for teacher education NCFTE 2021 will be developed.
  • An Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) shall be established which would digitally store the academic credits earned from various recognized HEIs.
  • Providing optimal learning environment – The choice-based credit system (CBCS) will be revised to instill innovation and flexibility.
  • An autonomous body, the National Educational Technology Forum (NFTF) will be created to provide a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhance learning (DIKSHA, SWAYAM & SWAYAMPRABHA).

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NEP 2020 Highlights: For Teachers in NEP 2020

What is there in NEP 2020 for teachers?

NEP 2020 Highlights: For Teachers in NEP 2020
  • Play-based and activity-based teaching in Early childhood care and education for school readiness.
  • Teachers to shift to competency-based teaching, learning, and assessment.
  • Teachers should encourage 21st-century skills in the classroom.
  • Transforming assessments & tracking student progress across a school year.
  • Teaching learning will leverage the power of multilingualism and language learning.
  • NEP aims to support and nurture teachers through all phases of their tenure.
  • Reducing teacher isolation and building a sense of community through school complexes.
  • Overhauling the service environment culture to maximize the ability of teachers to do their jobs effectively.
  • Teacher eligibility tests will be strengthened by 2030.
  • National professional standards for teachers (NPST), Continuous professional development (CPD), and Career management & progression (CMP) will be developed by the government.

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Implementation of NEP 2020 Highlights

Any policy’s effectiveness depends on its implementation. such implementation requires multiple initiatives and actions, which must be taken by multiple bodies in a synchronized and systematic manner. The implementation of this policy will be led by various bodies including MHRD, CABE, NTA, NFTF, HEIs, SSSA, NAC, NCERT & SCERT, and NIOS.

The phase-wise implementation of NEP 2020 will be started. The implementation includes two types of reforms:

  • Financial
  • Non-Financial

There will be an implementation committee to continuously monitor and submit the report regularly. In many cases, pilot projects will run before taking it nationally.

Online and Digital Education in NEP 2020 Highlights
NEP 2020 Highlights: Implementation
School EducationHigher Education
Right Pedagogy and Curriculum National curriculum framework for the foundational stage by NCERT.
• Reduction in Curriculum to the core concepts.
• Multidisciplinary education and Research Universities (MERU), four years programmed to be rolled out.
• Common entrance test workout.
• Promotion of Indian knowledge system, language & culture.
FLN: Foundational Literacy & Numeracy by 2026\27 up to Grade 3 every child can read, write, basic mathematical operations, and learn basic life skills under the NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) mission.An Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) shall be established which would digitally store the academic credits earned from various recognized HEIs.
• ECCE (early childhood care & education)
• SAFAL(Structure Assessment for Analyzing Learning)
The choice-based credit system (CBCS) will be revised to instill innovation and flexibility, one can come back at any time and utilize the credit.
• SARTHAQ (Students & teachers holistic advancement through quality education), the plan was launched to implement the goals of NEP 2020.
• Redesigned Vidyanjali Portal.
• Talking books for Inclusive Education.
The National Educational Technology Forum (NFTF) will be created to provide a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhance learning (DIKSHA / SWAYAM & SWAYAMPRABHA). Global outreach of higher education.
NEP 2020 Highlights

These committees help provide suggestions to all educational institutions of the country and provide a common platform for the state and center to share their views about improving educational standards.

The progress of educational standards depends upon the proper implementation of the policies & plans by the State and Central governments with the coordination of these committees & agencies for the betterment of education in the country.

FAQ on NEP 2020 Highlights

What is the difference between the Old and New Education policy in India?

The old education policy is a 10 + 2 + 3 structure whereas the new education policy is a 5+3+3+4 school structure which covers the age group of three to 18 years. The old education policy had rigid separations between the arts science and commerce whereas the new education policy allows students to choose subjects according to their desire which help them in their future.

What are the specific changes brought by the NEP 2020 in the school education system?

A shift from rote learning to experiential and holistic learning. The curriculum will be integrated, and interdisciplinary according to the choice of students, with a great focus on developing foundational literacy and numeracy skills in the early years for their future betterment.

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